Wagner Moura

Actor and Director


Wagner Moura is an actor and director who began his involvement in theater during his adolescence.

After appearances in films such as "Abril Despedaçado" (2001, Dir. Walter Salles) and "As Três Marias" (2002, Dir. Aluízio Abranches), the actor made his mark in cinema with consecutive successful releases, including the drama "Carandiru" (2003, Dir. Hector Babenco), the comedy "Deus é Brasileiro" (2003, Dir. Cacá Diegues), nominated and awarded in various festivals; "Ó Pai, Ó" (2007, Dir. Monique Gardenberg), and "Tropa de Elite" 1 and 2 (2007 and 2010, Dir. José Padilha).

Internationally, he made his debut in the science fiction film "Elysium" (2013, Dir. Neil Blomkamp) and appeared in films such as "Sergio" (2020, Dir. Greg Baker), "Wasp Network" (2019, Dir. Olivier Assayas), and starred in the Netflix series "Narcos" (2015), among others. As a director, he debuted in cinemas with the feature film "Marighella" (2019) and directed two episodes of the series "Narcos: Mexico" (2018).

In Brazilian television, Wagner appeared in series and soap operas such as "Carga Pesada" (2003, Globo), "Sexo Frágil" (2003, Globo), "JK" (2006, Globo), and "Paraíso Tropical" (2007, Globo).

+ complete resume

Lucas Barros