Marco Borges



Marco Borges, a screenwriter with a degree in Cinema from UFF, is the co-creator and author of the fictional drama series "Conselho Tutelar", with 3 seasons, 2014, 2015 and 2017 and 15 episodes, produced by Visom and shown on TV Record.

He was head of Paramount's Black Narratives Development Center and scriptwriter for the series "Segunda Chamada" (Rede Globo), "Cidade Invisível" (Netflix), "Rodas do Ódio" (2018, Universal Channel) and head of scriptwriting for the series "Perrengue" (2018, MTV). He was script coordinator and scriptwriter for Season 3 of the series "Gaby Estrella" (2015, Gloob) and one of the scriptwriters for the series "Sem Volta" (2016, TV Record). He was a collaborating scriptwriter on the soap operas "Belaventura" (2017) and "Topíssima" (2019), both on TV Record, and with Bruno Passeri he developed the series "Não Mate o Mensageiro", winner of the BRDE public notice in 2017. He won the 2011 IBRAM Cine-TV Script Award for his script for "Vernissage" and is co-creator and scriptwriter of the children's animation series "Chico na Ilha dos Jurubebas" (2013, TV Escola).

He is currently head scriptwriter for Season 4 of the series "Arcanjo Renegado", produced by Afroreggae for Globoplay.

+ complete resume

Lucas Barros