Fernando Eiras



Fernando Eiras is an award-winning actor trained at the O Tablado school in Rio de Janeiro. He has staged plays such as "In On It" (2009/2012, Enrique Diaz), "Noviça Rebelde" (2008, Charles Möeller and Claudio Botelho), "Ensaio.Hamlet" (2004, Enrique Diaz) - which won him the APTR Qualidade Brasil award - and "Noite Feliz" (1995, Flavio Marinho).

On television, she appeared in the Globo soap operas "Um Lugar ao Sol" (2021), "A Dona do Pedaço" (2019), "Guerra dos Sexos" (2012) and "Cordel Encantado" (2011). She has also acted in the series "A Vida Secreta dos Casais" (2019, HBO), "Magnífica 70" (2017, HBO), "Sob Pressão" (2017, Globo), "Verdades Secretas" (2015, Globo), "Sessão de Terapia" (2014, GNT), "Nós" (2020, directed by Anne Pinheiro Guimarães and Gigi Soares), among many other works.

He will star in the series "Um belo dia" (Canal Brasil, to be released) and will be in the cast of a second Canal Brasil series, yet to be released.

In the cinema, the actor has made several feature films, such as: "Hebe" (2019, directed by Mauricio Farias), "O Juízo" (2019, directed by Andrucha Waddington), "Cano Serrado" (2018, directed by Erik de Castro), "Beduíno" (2016, directed by Júlio Bressane), "Júlio Bressane" (2016, directed by Júlio Bressane). Júlio Bressane), "Nise: The Heart of Madness" (2015, directed by Roberto Berliner), "Getúlio, Últimos Dias" (2014, directed by João Jardim) and "Mulheres Sexo Verdades Mentiras" (2008, directed by Euclydes Marinho). He was in the cast of films that won him important awards such as "Berenice" (2005, directed by Brunc Duarte and Luciana Penna), "Incuráveis" (2005, directed by Gustavo Acioli and Lula Carvalho) and "O Mandarim" (1995, directed by Júlio Bressane).

+ complete resume

Lucas Barros